How to Draw an Almond

Learn how to draw an almond step by step with this elementary drawing tutorial for schoolers and preschoolers.

How to Draw an Almond Easy
How to Draw an Almond Step by Step

Hello everyone! Welcome to a simple tutorial on how to draw an almond step by step. Almonds, one of the most famous nuts in the world. The nut is symbolized with faith in hope and good luck. The world exporter of almonds in the USA. They produce over a billion kilograms of crops per year on an area of ​​40,000 hectares. Also, almond milk is obtained from almonds, which is excellently used as a substitute for cow’s milk and is considered one of the most natural and best substitutes.
Drawing an almond does not have a high level of complexity and if you follow the step-by-step instructions and read the description, you can easily draw a nut.

Time needed: 30 minutes.

How to Draw an Almond

  1. Draw the outline.

    In the middle of the sheet, draw an oval tapering at the top.
    Drawing Almond

  2. Draw the outline of the second part.

    Draw the other half in the same way, but notice that the upper part is sharper and the right part of the almonds is hidden.
    Draw Almond

  3. Draw the texture.

    To make the almonds look more realistic, you need to add textures. Let’s start with a vertical chip, for this draw vertical arcs.
    How to Draw a Cartoon Almond

  4. Add details.

    Use wavy lines to add details to the surface of the walnut.
    How to Draw a Simple Almond

  5. Add more details.

    Add more small details as shown in the example instructions.
    How to Draw an Easy Almond

  6. Color the drawing.

    How to Draw an Almond

We hope that this was a useful and informative lesson for you. Be sure to show your new drawing to friends and family. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other drawing lessons.

The post How to Draw an Almond appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw an Alarm Clock

Learn how to draw an alarm clock step by step with this elementary drawing tutorial for schoolers and preschoolers.

How to Draw an Alarm Clock for Kids
How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step by Step

Hello everyone! In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw an alarm clock step by step. Most people’s morning starts with an alarm. An alarm clock is an integral part of any working and learning person. Alarms are usually triggered on phones, but the classic look is still quite popular. This drawing tutorial will show you clearly how to draw an easy alarm. The drawing has a very simple level of difficulty, as it consists mainly of rounded and oval shapes. Let’s start!

Time needed: 30 minutes.

How to Draw an Alarm Clock

  1. Draw a case.

    First, you need to draw a round alarm clock body.
    Sketching Alarm Clock

  2. Add the outline of the dial.

    Then you need to add a smaller circle inside the drawn circle.
    Alarm Clock Drawing Guide

  3. Add legs.

    Draw two semi-oval shapes under the body.
    Alarm Clock Drawing Tutorial

  4. Draw the bells for the alarm clock.

    On the opposite side of the legs, draw two bells with rounded sides.
    Easy Drawing Alarm Clock

  5. Add the center and tip of the arrows.

    In the center of the watch face, draw a dot in the form of a small circle, from which the minute and hour hands will emerge in the future. Also, to depict the arrows, you need to outline their ends in the form of triangles.
    How to Draw a Simple Alarm Clock

  6. Add arrows and details.

    Connect with lines from the center of the dial to the hands. Then you need to add the details of the alarm bell as shown in the example instruction.
    How to Draw an Easy Alarm Clock

  7. Add markings to the watch face.

    To do this, draw 12 circles around the circumference, spaced at the same distance from each other.
    Alarm Clock How to Draw

  8. Color the drawing.

    How to Draw an Alarm Clock

We hope that this was a useful and informative lesson for you. Be sure to show your new drawing to friends and family. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other drawing lessons.

The post How to Draw an Alarm Clock appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw an Easy Teddy Bear

Learn how to draw an Easy Teddy Bear step by step with this elementary drawing tutorial for schoolers and preschoolers.

How to Draw an Easy Teddy Bear
How to Draw a Teddy Bear Step by Step

Good day everyone! Our lesson is devoted to how to draw an easy Teddy Bear – a favorite of children. At first, these bears were really made of plush – a soft material with long hairs on the front. Currently, a variety of materials for sewing have appeared, but the name of the cute toy stuck and remained. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner in drawing or a professional hobbyist – our instructions will help everyone to create a beautiful drawing of a bear!

You can now find entire collections of Teddy bears. For example, Jackie Miley is the owner of a huge collection of these toys, numbering over 8000 pieces! Big and small, with or without hats, in different colors – they are all collected at the Teddy Bear Townhouse. Drawing a teddy bear is sure to give you positive emotions. Let’s start!

Time needed: 30 minutes.

How to Draw an Easy Teddy Bear

  1. Draw the ear.

    The bear’s ear is shaped like a bob – notice this in the image. Draw a small oval and make a notch in it that faces inward.
    How to Draw a Teddy Bear Step 1

  2. Draw the head.

    The head is drawn according to the principle described in the previous step. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the head is larger and more flattened. Second, the notch should be drawn with a pointed line, not a smooth one.
    Teddy Bear Drawing Tutorial

  3. Draw the eyes and nose.

    Two tiny ovals will help define the eyes. Don’t forget the nose, which is an inverted triangle with rounded corners. Located under the eyes.
    Teddy Bear Drawing Guide

  4. Draw the second ear and muzzle.

    Use a neat arc to mark the bear’s other ear. Circle the nose and the area of the future mouth so that an oval appears.
    Sketching Teddy Bear

  5. Draw the eyebrows and mouth.

    Added a couple of miniature stripes with round edges under the eyes – and the eyebrows of the toy are ready! From the nose, lower the line down, draw in an arc in both directions – this is the mouth.
    Easy Drawing Teddy Bear

  6. Draw the pupils and seam.

    Place a pupil – a tiny oval – in each eye. Then, using the dashed line that goes down the slope and at the end “rests” on the muzzle, draw a seam.
    How to Draw a Head Teddy Bear

  7. Draw the front and back legs.

    Draw the legs as shown in the example instruction.
    Drawing Teddy Bear

  8. Draw the body.

    The body is a large, unfinished oval.
    Draw a Teddy Bear

  9. Draw the second front paw.

    Using a curved line ending abruptly at the bottom, add this element.
    How to Draw a Cartoon Teddy Bear

  10. Draw the last hind leg.

    Draw the remaining limb according to the principle from the seventh step. However, note that this paw is also partially hidden behind the rest of the drawn parts.
    Teddy Bear How to Draw

  11. Detail the drawing.

    Finish the seam: continue to draw the dotted line down, all the way to the end of the abdomen. The final touch: on each of the paws draw ovals as shown in the instructions.
    How to Draw a Simple Teddy Bear

  12. Color your drawing.

    How to Draw a Teddy Bear

We hope that this was a useful and informative lesson for you. Be sure to show your new drawing to friends and family. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other drawing lessons.

The post How to Draw an Easy Teddy Bear appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw an Easy Betta Fish

Learn how to draw an easy betta fish for beginners, start a sketch with this tutorial. More step-by-step drawing tutorials on the web site!

How to Draw a Betta Fish Easy
How to Draw a Betta Fish Step by Step

Good day to all! In this guide, we will look at how to draw an easy betta fish. Among hobbyists, betta fish is also referred to as the Siamese fighter fish. The representative of this species stands out for its wayward and somewhat harsh character. Despite this, the fish attract the viewer with incredibly beautiful colors and an amazing appearance. Our simple instruction will show you how to create a realistic and beautiful drawing of this fish on your paper.

Betta fish has a specific habitat: as a rule, these are stagnant or leisurely flowing bodies of water in Southeast Asia. In its size, the male reaches a mark of 5 cm, and the female – approximately 4 cm. A distinctive feature of this species of fish is that it is able to breathe atmospheric air, using an organ called the “labyrinth”. Drawing a betta fish will not let you get bored, and a colorful picture will delight the eye for a long time. Let’s get started!

Time needed: 15 minutes.

How to Draw an Easy Betta Fish

  1. Body shape.

    Begin by drawing big basic shapes! If you take a closer look at an example, the basic appearance of the animal’s body resembles a kind of almond shape. Imagine and depict this shape horizontally using smooth, curved lines. One end should be made more elongated, and the other rounded as in the example.betta fish drawing easy

  2. Add details.

    Draw the pectoral fin. To make it easier to go through this stage, imagine a leaf of a plant lying on the ground and it is a similar shape that needs to be drawn for the fin. Place the fin in the middle of the fish’s body. Don’t forget to add an eye: draw it with a small circle at the base of the head.How to Draw an Easy Betta Fish

  3. Draw the caudal fin.

    The lush caudal fin characteristic of a fighting fish should be depicted as follows: draw two curved lines from the rounded part of the body in different directions. Then connect them to each other with a waving zigzag line. Also, draw a gill line between the eye and the pectoral fin.How to Draw a Betta Fish for Kids

  4. Add rest fins.

    These parts are rather large in this type of fish. From the head and tail, point up a couple of lines, one of which will be curved and the other with numerous pointed details. Connect these lines. The pelvic fin is drawn in a similar way, but there are two curved lines and they are connected by a zigzag line.betta fish drawing

  5. Draw the antennas.

    Also, don’t forget to add the filaments hanging from the fish’s mouth.How to Draw a Realistic Betta FIsh

  6. Color the betta fish.

    As we said earlier, this species has a variety of scale colors. We used a bright red for the body and scarlet for the rest of the limbs. You can give the fish other colors that you like best. A wonderful drawing is ready!How to Draw a Betta Fish

The post How to Draw an Easy Betta Fish appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw an Easy Baby Wolf

Learn how to draw an easy baby wolf for beginners, start a sketch with this tutorial. More step-by-step drawing tutorials on the web site!

How to Draw an Easy Baby Wolf
How to Draw a Baby Wolf Step by Step

Hello everyone! In this step-by-step instruction, you will learn how to draw an easy baby wolf! Wolves are one of the most famous and typical predators. Together with several closely related species – jackals, coyotes, wild dogs – they belong to the wolf family. There are only 2 types of real wolves in the world – gray and red wolves. They also include the coyote, which, in fact, is not much different from wolves. The appearance of these animals does not need a detailed description, because from childhood we learn from various cartoons and movies how these animals look, but in this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to sketch a cartoon wolf.

Wolves unite in packs for joint hunting. There is always a leader in wolf packs. He maintains discipline, preventing subordinates from competing with each other. Each wolf is a personality with its own character and abilities that determine its position in the pack and role in the hunt. A strong wolf with an independent character may refuse to obey the leader and leave the pack. He lives alone until he joins another pack or creates his own, becoming a leader. Practice drawing more often and enjoy the process!

Time needed: 15 minutes.

How to Draw an Easy Baby Wolf

  1. Head shape.

    Begin by drawing the shape of the wolf’s head with all the details as in the example.Wolf Drawing Tutorial

  2. Add ears.

    Now draw two pointed wolf ears on the head.How to Draw a Wolf Simple

  3. Add details.

    Now you need to detail the ears of the wolf, and also draw the round eyes of the wolf and the nose.How to Draw a Wolf Head

  4. Draw the torso.

    Draw the shape of the baby wolf’s body as shown.Cartoon Wolf Drawing

  5. Draw the front legs.

    Using straight lines draw the long wolf front legs, then draw the wolf’s paws as in the example.How to Draw an Anime Wolf

  6. Add the tail.

    Draw the pointed tail of the wolf using two curved lines in the same way as shown in the example.How to Draw an Easy Wolf

  7. Color your artwork.

    Your cute illustration is ready, and now you need to color your artwork using your favorite coloring supplies. Before coloring, you can trace the contours of the sketch using an ink pen or marker, for example.How to Draw a Cartoon Wolf

The post How to Draw an Easy Baby Wolf appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw a Fireplace

Learn how to draw a fireplace easy enough for kids and beginners, start a sketch with this instruction. Step by step cozy fireplace drawing guide.

How to Draw a FirePlace
How to Draw a Fireplace Step by Step

In this step by step guide, you will learn how to draw a fireplace. A fireplace is a cozy detail that is both a decoration and a way to heat a room or house.

Nowadays, a fireplace as a means of heating a house is not so popular, but it remains a very popular detail in homes. Previously, when there was no electricity or other heating methods, hearth were a very important detail in the homes of people from different countries and cultures. Also, many people associate fireplaces with Christmas, since on the eve of this holiday, children traditionally hang Christmas stockings on the fireplace and wait for Santa Claus to leave gifts for the children in these beautiful stockings. In addition to the fireplace, try sketch Christmas stockings or other things or characters that are associated with Christmas.

The drawing has a fairly easy level of complexity, so be sure that you will succeed, since specifically to simplify the process, detailed step-by-step instructions will be prepared below with a description of each step. Enjoy drawing and practice! Practice often and use our instructions, which we create from the bottom of our hearts and with love for our readers!

Time needed: 25 minutes.

How to Draw a Fireplace

  1. Draw the top.

    Begin by drawing the top shelf of the fireplace using straight lines.Easy Fireplace Sketch

  2. Add detail.

    Now sketch out the lower part of the top shelf of the fireplace.Fireplace Artwork

  3. Draw the hearth.

    Now add the lower part of the fireplace which is the hearth. Also add a third fireplace top line.How to Drawing a Fireplace

  4. Draw the shape.

    Add the side lines of the fireplace, which will create the basic shape of the brick part of the fireplace. Aside from the side lines, start drawing the brick parts of the fireplace that are at the bottom.Fireplace Easy How to Draw

  5. Firefront detail.

    Now sketch out the legs of the firefront. This is a metal structure on which firewood is laid.How to Sketch a Fireplace

  6. Draw the bricks.

    Now let’s move on to detailing the fireplace by drawing a brick mantel.How to Draw a Fireplace for Beginners

  7. Small bricks.

    Now draw the little bricks as well as the wood that is on firebox.Easy Fireplace Drawing

  8. Draw fire.

    In this step, you need to draw the middle of the fire and also draw the bricks at the bottom of the fireplace.Fireplace Drawing

  9. Draw the flame.

    Detail the firebox by adding the main part of the flame, and also add the bottom of the firewood.Fireplace Drawing Tutorial

  10. Firebox details.

    Now draw curved lines inside the firebox, which are parts of the light from the flame.How to Draw a Fireplace Simple

  11. Color your fireplace.

    Your fireplace illustration is ready, and now you need to color your artwork using your favorite coloring supplies. Before coloring, you can trace the contours of the sketch using an ink pen or marker, for example.How to Draw a Fireplace Easy

Excellent! We hope that we helped you create a cool artwork of fireplace that you can share with your friends. And you can also share this simple instruction with your friends on social networks, and we advise you to sketch this cozy structure with friends together! Thank you for being with us, and we will be glad to see you again.

The post How to Draw a Fireplace appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw a Door Easy

In this guide, you will learn how to draw a door easy even for beginners and kids.

How to Draw an Easy Door
How to Draw a Door Step by Step

Welcome to the drawing lesson in which you can learn how to draw a door easy, even for new artists and kids! A door is an opening in the walls of buildings that are used to enter and exit a building. Doors are used not only in buildings and homes but also in furniture or other household appliances. Doors are known to be of different classifications and types. The material can also be different, for example, metal, plastic, wood, and so on. In our step-by-step guide, we show an example of a classic wooden door that looks familiar to many people.

Time needed: 20 minutes.

How to Draw a Door Easy

  1. Draw the shape.

    Begin by drawing the shape of the door, which is visually in perspective.Door Easy Drawing

  2. Draw the top.

    Add the upper part of the door creating a 3D visualization of the drawing.How to Sketch a Door

  3. Draw the side line.

    Now draw the side of the door in the same way.Door Draw

  4. Draw the frame and handle.

    Now around the door, you need to draw the door frame in the same perspective as the door. Besides the door frame, you also need to add the handle.3D Door Draw

  5. Add details.

    Detail the door by adding a handle detail as in the example.How to Draw a 3D Door

  6. The bottom panel.

    Now we move on to the drawing part of the panels in the door, and the first panels need to be drawn at the bottom of the door. The bottom panels should be in a long rectangular shape as shown.Door Drawing

  7. Add the middle.

    Now draw the center panels on the door in the same way.Door Drawing Tutorial

  8. Top part.

    Completing the drawing of the door will be adding door panels at the very top. The top panels in the door should be square as shown.How to Draw an Open Door

  9. Color your artwork.

    The door drawing is ready! Now you need to paint the door in your favorite colors. Before coloring in the drawing, you can trace the contours of the sketch using an ink pen or marker.How to Draw a Door

The post How to Draw a Door Easy appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

Santa Claus Drawing Tutorial

This is an easy Santa Claus drawing tutorial! Here you can learn step by step how to draw Santa easily, even for beginners and kids!

How to Draw Santa Claus
How to Draw Santa Claus Step by Step

Hello everyone and welcome to Santa Claus drawing tutorial! Santa is a popular X-mas character all over the world, and for many children, Santa is the most anticipated guest on Christmas Eve. Surprisingly, Santa Claus is a real character who lived at the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 4th century in Asia Minor and he was known under the name of St. Nicholas. He, like modern Santa Claus, gave various gifts to children. Later, St. Nicholas became famous in Europe because of the Dutch sailors who visited Asia Minor. In the United States, St. Nicholas became famous in the 19th century when Clement Clarke Moore wrote poems about St. Nicholas for his children. In these works, Saint Nicholas already flew on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. These were all just approaches to the main fame of Santa Claus, which this character received during the Coca-Cola advertising campaign in the early 30s of the XX century, in which the company’s corporate red colors and the red Santa Claus robe were used. Since that time and until now, the image of a good old man Santa Claus flaunts around the world every Christmas and gives people a great mood for this holiday. We hope that this year you were good guys and Santa Claus will bring you the presents you want! We also wish you a great mood and an enjoyable artwork!

Time needed: 25 minutes.

Santa Claus Drawing Tutorial

  1. Draw the shape.

    Begin by drawing the shape of Santa’s face as shown.Santa Easy Sketch

  2. Add the nose.

    Now draw the cartoon character’s nose like in the example.Santa Claus Face Drawing step by step

  3. Draw the eyes.

    Draw eyes on Santa’s face following the example.How to Sketch Santa

  4. Add details.

    Now add the important details of Santa’s face – his mustache, mouth, and eyebrows.Step by Step Santa Drawing

  5. Draw the beard.

    A detail without which it is difficult to imagine Santa – this is his lush white beard! In this step, you need to draw a beard.Santa Drawing Step by Step

  6. Add details.

    Now we start drawing Santa’s hat and first you need to depict the fluffy fur part of the hat. Also, draw the hair sticking out from under the hat.Santa Face Drawing

  7. Draw the Santa’s hat.

    Using curved lines draw the shape of the Santa Claus hat and draw a pom-pom at the tip of the V-shaped hat.Cartoon Santa Face

  8. Draw the shape of the torso.

    Moving on to drawing the character’s body, and starting with the basic torso shape as shown.How to Draw an Easy Santa Claus

  9. Add details.

    Draw a curved line for Santa’s jacket and add the buttons.Simple Santa Drawing

  10. Draw the belt.

    Now sketch out the broad Santa strap and the shape of the belt buckle.Santa Cartoon Drawing

  11. Belt details.

    Detail the belt buckle by adding a prong and other details as in the example.Drawing Santa Claus

  12. Add sleeves.

    Draw the sleeves of the Santa Claus costume.Santa Claus Drawing Easy

  13. Draw mittens.

    Draw Santa’s warm winter mittens as in the example. Also, remember to erase the guidelines of the drawing.Easy Santa Drawing

  14. Draw the bottom.

    Draw the lower part of Santa Claus’s jacket, after which you need to draw the character’s pants and boots.Santa Claus Drawing

  15. Trace the outlines.

    Before coloring, you can trace the contours of the pencil sketch using an ink pen or marker.Draw Santa

  16. Color your artwork.

    We hope you have a great drawing! If it didn’t work out right away, then try to draw again and again, because drawing practice will help you pump your skills and get better! Now color your Santa!Santa Claus Drawing Tutorial

Excellent! We hope that we helped you create a cool artwork of Santa that you can share with your friends. And you can also share this simple instruction with your friends on social networks, and we advise you to sketch this character with friends together! Thank you for being with us, and we will be glad to see you again.

The post Santa Claus Drawing Tutorial appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw a Basketball Hoop

Learn how to draw a basketball hoop easy enough for kids and beginners, start a sketch with this instruction. Step by step backboard drawing guide.

How to Draw an Easy Basketball Hoop
How to Draw a Basketball Hoop Step by Step

Hello everyone, dear artists! In this instruction, in 8 simple steps, you can learn how to draw a basketball hoop easily for artists of all skill levels. This team sport is a very popular game all over the world and is especially popular in North America. There are also many great teams in Europe or South America, but soccer is the more popular game in the countries of these regions. What game do you like more? Write your opinion below in the comments.

But first, a little about the origins and history of this legendary team sport. The word basketball is obviously an English word that combines two important elements of this game at once – a basket and a ball. These 2 words describe the whole point of this wonderful sports game. Basketball has also been included in the Olympic Games since 1936, but the main basketball tournament can be called the NBA, where the top basketball players traditionally play.

In this instruction below, you will understand the art of sketching a backboard and a basket hoop. The illustrations and descriptions for each step will help you with this. Enjoy the process!

Time needed: 25 minutes.

How to Draw a Basketball Hoop

  1. Draw the hoop.

    The hoop will be a kind of base around which you will draw the rest of the details. To depict it, draw 2 circles, while 1 of them should be inside the other and, accordingly, be smaller.Hoop Drawing Tutorial

  2. Add details.

    Now add two parts to the hoop with which the ring is attached to the backboard.Basket-Hoop-Drawing-Tutorial

  3. Backboard center.

    Now add a square piece of the backboard that sits directly above the hoop. It is necessary for the players for a more accurate and successful throw. To show it behind the ring, draw a rectangle, the sides of which will taper to the left in perspective. Since the drawing has a perspective due to the lateral position of the object.How to Sketch a Basketball Hoop

  4. Draw the shape.

    Now you need to depict the basic large shape of the backboard. To do this, sketch a rounded rectangle, keeping in mind the previously mentioned linear perspective.Basket Hoop Drawing

  5. Add details.

    Now you need to draw the inner lines on the basketball backboard.How to Draw a Basketball Backboard

  6. Add the basic volume.

    Draw additional lines to make the basketball backboard look more realistic.How to Draw a Backboard

  7. Add the pole and net.

    Detail the basket backboard by adding the pole part as shown. In addition to the pole, you also need to add the net of the basket hoop.Backboard Drawing Tutorial

  8. Color your art project.

    Your amazing depiction is ready and now you need to color your illustration. Before coloring, you can trace the outlines of the pencil sketch with a marker or ink pen.Basketball Hoop Drawing Tutorial

Excellent! We hope that we helped you create a cool artwork of sports equipment that you can share with your friends. And you can also share this simple instruction with your friends on social networks, and we advise you to sketch this board with friends together! Thank you for being with us, and we will be glad to see you again.

The post How to Draw a Basketball Hoop appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

How to Draw Batman Symbol

Learn how to draw Batman symbol easy enough for beginners, start a sketch with this instruction. Step by step Dark Knight logotype artwork guide.

How to Draw an Easy Batman Symbol
How to Draw Batman Symbol Step by Step

Welcome to this simple instruction! In this guide, you will learn how to draw Batman symbol! Bats is one of the most popular heroes all over the world. He is as popular as his famous Batmobile. This superhero is associated with a bat, as in all films, cartoons, TV shows, his logo is shown, which depicts a black bat. We hope this simple guide will help you sketch out the logo of this comic character in a very nice and correct way. Enjoy the drawing process!

Time needed: 20 minutes.

How to Draw Batman Symbol

  1. Draw the head.

    Begin by drawing the pointed ears of the bat logo, and along the sides of the ears, draw curved lines for the top of the wings.How to Draw Batman Logo Easy

  2. Draw the bottom.

    Now you need to draw the bottom of the bat, which consists of three pointed details.How to Draw a Bat Symbol

  3. Draw the wings.

    Using curved lines, draw the wings of the bat logo.Batman Logo How to Draw

  4. Add texture.

    Texture the Winged Avenger symbol by adding an outline that follows the entire shape of the logo. This action will make the logo look three-dimensional and more to draw the bat symbol

  5. Draw an oval.

    As you know, the Batman logo is a bat that is in an oval shape. Now you need to sketch this particular oval, which is located around the bat to draw batman logo step by step

  6. Add another oval.

    Now add another extra to draw batman symbol

  7. Finish drawing the shape.

    Finish drawing the metal oval that surrounds the Batman symbol.How to Draw a Batman Symbol easy

  8. Color your artwork.

    Color the Dark Knight symbol in classic colors. Color the bat itself black or gray, and color the background yellow. Also, don’t forget to detail the metal parts of the logo as in the example. Before coloring, you can trace the pencil outlines of the sketch using an ink pen or black marker.How to Draw a Batman Logo

The post How to Draw Batman Symbol appeared first on How to Draw Easy.

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